I did in fact implement Quicksort in Dusa (sloppy unorganized code on here), actually I think I correctly implemented it in two different ways, but I ran into performance issues when I ventured that far out of the tested use cases of this language.
However, while still quite sluggish, I was able to get by with only moving the “sort a list” logic out into JavaScript, in a way that is on its own interesting and pleasing:
const hands =, hand) => BigInt(hand));
hands.sort((hand1, hand2) => {
dusa.assert({ name: 'needWinner', args: [hand1, hand2] });
const winner = [...dusa.solution.lookup('winner', hand1, hand2)][0][0];
return winner === hand1 ? 1 : winner === hand2 ? -1 : 0;
So what is happening here is that the hands are all indexed in Dusa with their original line numbers, integers in [0…length), so the array hands = [0,1,2,3,…]
acts as an array of all the hands, and I can sort that array with a custom sort.
That custom sort makes very pleasing use of demand-driven computation in Dusa: it adds the fact needWinner H1 H2
, for some specific H1 and H2, which will cause Dusa to derive either winner H1 H2 is H1
or winner H1 H2 is H2
, so the comparison function can immediately query that fact. lt X Y
is the transitive closure of the “strength” both for cards and hand types — ”3” is less than (weaker than) “9”, and twoPair
is less than (weaker than) fullHouse
**winner H1 H2 is H1 :-
needWinner H1 H2,
type H1 is X,
type H2 is Y, lt Y X.
winner H1 H2 is H2 :-
needWinner H1 H2,
type H1 is X,
type H2 is Y, lt X Y.
needTiedWinner H1 H2 0 :-
needWinner H1 H2,
type H1 is X,
type H2 is X.
winner H1 H2 is H1 :-
needTiedWinner H1 H2 N,
hand H1 N is X,
hand H2 N is Y,
lt Y X.
winner H1 H2 is H2 :-
needTiedWinner H1 H2 N,
hand H1 N is X,
hand H2 N is Y,
lt X Y.
needTiedWinner H1 H2 (plus N 1) :-
needTiedWinner H1 H2 N,
hand H1 N is X,
hand H2 N is X.**
I think this is a pretty straightforward and pleasing calculation, though it involves a bit of repeating onesself. The computation of what type
a hand is (highCard
, twoOfAKind
, threeOfAKind
, etc…) is comparatively verbose and messy in my opinion especailly, but after some struggles with having non-mutually-exclusive-type computations (so I’d derive a hand as both fullHouse
and threeOfAKind
) it worked… alright.
After computing the ranks from the sorted list, I still used Dusa to add up the values to get the ultimate answer.
DISCLAIMER: I needed to add an optimization that isn’t present in Dusa 0.0.10 in order for this to work in a reasonable amount of time for the full solution.
Part 1 (partial) on
Part 2 (partial) on
I really need to implement “if a value conflict is derived on this predicate, it’s actually an error and you should raise an exception” (#19)